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Aug 02

2nd August 2019 -Workout morning, for sometime now I have been experimenting with my excerise routine, I have always done some sport from being a teenager when aerobics was all the rage. I played a lot of squash in my twenties and then moved into tennis and after joing a gym I started to do more class based exercises particularly spin which I did religiously 4 or 5 times a week! I now do a mixture of different things as I find I don’t get bored so easily then, I run 5k usually twice a week as well as go out on my bike for an hour. That said I dont’t do as much outdoor exercises in the winter I don’t like running in the cold or the rain! If your new to running or would like to try it I would recommend a great app from the NHS which is free Couch to 5k. Running is free it doesn’t involve booking a class or driving anywhere and health wise it can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke as well as boost your mood and keep your weight under control. Todays routine is two classes firstly Body Combat great for burning calories (an average of 500 calories in a class) if you haven’t tried it give it a go its a mixed martial arts workout giving you a full body work out. Secondly a Body Pump workout, I decided to take this up in my early 50’s having researched which types of exercise would really be beneficial for me. Muscle fibres shrink as we grow older both in size and number and this leads to a decline in strength as well as balance and co-ordination. Resistance or weight training helps to increase bone mass which then lowers the risk of developing osteoporosis and fractures. You can do some simple weight based exercises at home too, buy two sets of weights probably a set of 3 kilos and a set of 5 kilos (you can get them in Sports Direct very reasonably) and there are simply loads of programmes you can download or watch on youtube.

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