07771 938 143 | info@letstalkcounsellingtherapy.com


Aug 16

Tips for Managing Anxiety

Is your body stuck in  alert mode?  Do you feel on edge, waiting for something to go wrong? You are probably stuck in Freeze, Flight or Fight mode and your body is constantly scanning for the cause, therapy can help you identify the cause and how to manage your anxiety... read more →
Oct 11

Are you aware of your triggers?

It maybe surprising to know that everyone unconscioulsy reacts to triggers every day, becoming self aware means to learn when we are triggered and why.  Being triggered means we have become emotionally activated, it can feel like a racing heart, or feeling that we need to defend ourselves and we... read more →
Jun 02
Apr 12
Feb 11

What are the benefits of online Counselling? February 11th 2022 – Blog

As an Approved Anxiety UK Therapist, I have been delivering online therapy for sometime,  numerous studies have demonstrated its effectiveness across a range of modalities (e.g... telephone, videoconference) and mental health concerns (e.g.. depression, substance use disorders).  Virtual services are safe, effective and comparable in outcomes to in-person services. With... read more →
Feb 07

What might our dreams might be trying to trying to tell us? How living in a pandemic can affect your stress levels and what we can do about it. February 6th 2022 – Blog

There is  a quote that has been used during the pandemic  ' Everyone is in it together, but we all are at different stages of the journey, this is very true as everyone's situation is unique and how individuals respond is also unique.   Think of the hight of the pandemic when our NHS hero's... read more →
Feb 05
Feb 05
Feb 02
Oct 26