Let's Talk / Uncategorized / Tuesday 6th August 2019 – off to a shaky start this morning! So the plan was to do a 5k run this morning, things started off well my lovely hubby brought me my mint tea at 7.15 am before leaving for work and just as he kissed me goodbye he said the words ‘don’t be fooled by the weather its going to start to rain any time soon’. If you have read any of my previous blogs you will know I don’t do running in the rain, our inner voice can be our downfall, listening to our negative thoughts is often our biggest obstacle. So for me it worked like this, as soon as he said that, my inner voice said ‘well no run for you this morning then’. You see as disciplined as I am, I also have the inner voice battles, so added to my usual morning argument with myself about why I shouldn’t go for a run this morning was the endorsement from my hubby about the weather. To overcome this I had one of my negotiation discussions with my inner self which went like this ‘ok why don’t you drink your tea, watch a bit of catch up tv for half an hour and then see what the weathers doing’ which is what I did. Half an our later the sun was still shining and not many clouds in sight and I was off. Another technique that I also use with myself and my negative inner voice, using running as an example, is to use some NLP techniques. I imagine myself doing the run, the warmth of the sun on me and the soft breeze and how I feel when I get home, energized and pleased with myself knowing my exercise is done for the day and how much better I feel for it. One more thing if your thinking about starting to do some running or think its just too hard for you, try the coach to 5k app I mentioned, but also build in some small mile stones that feel achievable for you. I often do this now when I really don’t feel like going; ‘I am too tired, I have got to much to do, it means I will have to wash my hair again’ etc., Sometimes I agree with myself I will just do 20 mins or I will do 10 mins of a run then do a fast walk and go the shorter route back, but more often then not I carry on past my first goal. One of the trainers at the gym once said to me ‘right come on your here now why waste all that effort it took to get you here’ how true is that? Oh and it’s now 12.30 and the sun is still shining………